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A Letter from Gabs

My name is Gabrielle Clark. I fight indoctrination in the K-12 education setting. Both of my school-aged children were affected by indoctrination in different ways. One harmed by CRT. One harmed by SEL. So, I began to fight back.

My fight started with CRT indoctrination. My son’s civil rights were being violated and we took action. We filed the first federal lawsuit against K-12 indoctrination in America. While I was raising awareness about CRT, my daughter was socially transitioned into thinking she was a boy.

I was so lost. I didn’t know if I could ever bring my baby girl back. She was very traumatized. I was completely devastated. So, I organized a plan. I needed to recapture my daughter from the cult of gender ideology. I implemented a program through a series of phases and steps to rescue my baby. I saw results within a few weeks. She was embodied within a few months. Six months after beginning the program, she fully desisted.

Once I realized how well the program worked, I spoke out. I spent all of my time telling other parents how I got my daughter back. I had to devote all my energy to raising awareness about the harms of social transitioning. I did protests and conferences, spoke with legislators, and found lawyers for parents and detransitioners.

I met hundreds of people from everywhere. So many parents have come to me with horrible stories just like ours. I help other parents by guiding them through some of these scary issues. I point them in the right direction, provide resources, and give them tools to pull their children out of this cult.

Now, I’m committed to offering this program to any parent that needs my one-on-one attention. I’m also offering the program to every therapist, counselor, or social worker that wants to utilize this method for their work with children.

I brought my daughter back. You can bring your kids back, too.

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